1. Almond milk, unsweetened
  2. Almonds, raw
  3. Apples
  4. Asparagus
  5. Avocados
  6. Bananas
  7. Barley
  8. Beans
  9. Beets
  10. Bell peppers
  11. Blackberries
  12. Blueberries
  13. Bok choy
  14. Broccoli
  15. Brussels sprouts
  16. Cherries
  17. Chicken, skinless
  18. Coconut
  19. Coconut oil
  20. Egg whites — DHA enriched
  21. Gojiberries
  22. Grapefruit
  23. Green tea
  24. Herring
  25. Kiwi


By Dr. Daniel Amen
  1. Lemons
  2. Lentils
  3. Limes
  4. Oats
  5. Olive oil
  6. Oranges
  7. Peaches
  8. Pears
  9. Peas
  10. Plums
  11. Pomegranates
  12. Quinoa
  13. Raspberries
  14. Red grapes
  15. Salmon, wild
  16. Soybeans
  17. Spinach
  18. Strawberries
  19. Tomatoes
  20. Tuna
  21. Turkey, skinless
  22. Walnuts
  23. Water
  24. Yams/sweet potatoes
  25. Yogurt, low-fat, sugar- and artificial sweetener-free (sweeten with stevia and/or low-glycemic fruit, like blueberries, raspberries or strawberries)