Rebecca and her husband Daniel have struggled with weight loss for most of their married lives. 25 years and 7 children later they decided to make some changes that have transformed the way they live, the way they feel, and the way they look.
A Long Road
My husband’s weight issues began right after we got married when he broke his leg and was immobile for months. The struggle with my own weight started about 15-17 years ago between having baby number 5 and 6. I just kept packing on the pounds with each pregnancy. We have each tried to lose weight multiple times and experienced some success but, inevitably, always put it back on.
In January of 2014, we both got to the point that we knew we had to make a radical change. My husband, Daniel, was having serious health concerns and I knew for either of us to be successful we had to do it together and support one another. Our plan was to start the Monday after New Years, January 6th.

My mother-in-law had recently seen Rick Warren talk about The Daniel Plan book in an interview on television and said it sounded similar to the whole foods diet we wanted to attempt. I bought the book and read it in 3 days. I saw on the website that there was a rally scheduled for January 5th at Saddleback Church, not to far from where we lived. So my husband and I drove down for the rally! We started our diet the following day on the 6th as planned. Here we are 5 months and 10 days later and our lives have changed!
On Again, Off Again
I have tried many diets—Weight Watchers, My Fitness Pal, South Beach, liquid fasting, diet pills, and more over the last 15 years. I have yo-yoed up and down from 190 lbs up to my all time top weight of 250 lbs. I have had success and lost as much as 30-60lbs on any given diet. I have counted back over the last 15 years and have calculated losing the weight from 200-230lbs specifically six separate times!! None of these diets were lifestyle changes and the weight always crept back on.
Daniel has a similar yo-yo experience with his weight topping out at its highest of 340 lbs. His health was being drastically affected by his weight and the foods he was consuming. He has suffered for years with many chronic conditions including sleep apnea, reflux, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, low testosterone, myofacial pain syndrome, chronic headaches, chronic fatigue, severe allergies, and rheumatoid arthritis.
About a year ago, we moved back to California from Texas for his job. Part of what persuaded us to move was the difference in how he felt when traveling back and forth between the two states. His inflammation in his joints and his overall health was much worse whenever he was in Texas. After spending time in California and feeling relief, we knew we needed to seize the opportunity to move for his health. Once we made the move, Daniel was able to get off many of his prescription medications but was still on several others. Although his joint swelling improved, he still suffered from fatigue, headaches, allergies, lack of sleep, sleep apnea, and chronic pain. He felt sick all the time and exhausted. He took Percocet for pain on a regular basis. He lived on energy drinks just to get him through each day. He was at the point where he would try anything to feel better.
Success At Last
I was tired of my efforts being only an accomplishment of what I had done before. I started The Daniel Plan on January 6, 2014 at 232 lbs. Not my heaviest, but close enough. To date, I have lost 49lbs and weighed in at 183 on June 16th, 2014. What is really exciting is that we are committed, and don’t feel diet burn out this time around. We love this plan and the way we eat now. We have adapted our whole way of eating and the way we think about food. It is working! Because of the results and the nutrition we are providing to our bodies at a cellular level, we have no desire to quit. We are proud of not only our success but of the change of perspective we have. We feel like we have reprogrammed our brains and don’t have any desire to go back to eating the way we did before. I am now weighing less than I have in over 15 years and losing below my yo-yo weight. I truly feel I am now accomplishing some serious weight loss and taking back my health and my youth. I feel great and have lots of energy!
Daniel took the food intolerance test in The Daniel Plan book before we started and scored a whopping 152. After a 40 full days on the detox, he scored a 52! He noticed a difference right away! Within a few days of starting The Daniel Plan he was sleeping better at night, his allergy issues disappeared, he had more energy, and generally felt better. Those early results made us want to detox for the full 40 days. We didn’t cheat at all and the results were amazing. Daniel felt healthier and was dropping weight like crazy. His sleep apnea and sleeping issues were gone within two months. He reported feeling lots of energy without any energy drinks. We went for our annual physicals in April and all his labs came back 100% normal! He was taken off the last few of his prescription medications. Now all he takes is a daily multivitamin, fish oil, low dose aspirin, and pro-biotic. He takes Aleve for arthritis pain. His overall health has improved by leaps and bounds. He still has occasional headaches, joint pain and swelling at times, and some lower back pain on and off. But that is so small compared to the daily agony and suffering he endured prior to his change in diet. To date, Daniel has lost 88 lbs, weighing in at 250 lbs today, June 16th, 2014. We are so encouraged and motivated by our new lifestyle!
As Christian, we love that we are honoring God with our bodies like the Bible says and feel God has been with us on this journey. We have been transformed by the renewing of our minds. There is no going back for us!!
Daniel and Rebecca’s success has inspired their friends and family to try The Daniel Plan and they are setting their sights on adding fitness to their routine. Their radical life change is what The Daniel Plan is all about!