“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” —Matthew 19:26

Pastor Rick Warren says, “It’s hard to be spiritually strong and mentally alert when we’re emotionally stressed or physically fatigued.” That’s why we want our bodies to be fit—not as an end in itself, but so we can possess the vitality to embrace all that God has for us.

God wants to work through us, spreading the peace of his kingdom and offering love to our neighbors. We need to be able to think creatively and pour ourselves out in relationships. Those activities take energy.

Eating well and incorporating more movement into our day replenishes our reserves, enabling us to do what would have been impossible in a depleted state.

Sometimes we depend on God for so many things in our spiritual life, our marriage, our finance, our ministry, but we haven’t yet let him be involved with our physical health.

The Daniel Plan is here to help us understand that getting healthy starts with drawing near to God, building our health on a foundation of faith.

Food for Thought: When your trust is truly in God, nothing is out of your reach.