David Nguyen, Owner of RC Racing Zone, shares how prayer, persistence and determination helped him avoid diabetes and lose more than 40 pounds!

Describe a few primary health challenges or bad habits you had before starting The Daniel Plan?
I would eat whatever I liked. I did not exercise and I felt tired all day long.

Why did you decide to start The Daniel Plan, how did you hear about it? 
My doctor told me if I do not start to exercise, I will be Diabetic.  At the time, I was 223 pounds. I also have sleep apnea due to being overweight.

What new healthy habits have you learned, or anything else that you have learned from The Daniel Plan? 
Now I control my eating. Eat more healthy food. Spend more time with God. I talk to God during my walk.  I talk to him about all the issues my family are facing, our concerns about our family, relatives, and our parents.  I pray to him to give me strength for my exercise, and help me to meet my goal on this new journey.

What have been a few of the results you’ve experienced?
I have lost 42 pounds. I went from size 38 to 34; My shirt size from XL to L. I do not have sleep apnea and never feel tired or sleepy.

What advice would you give someone getting started or considering The Daniel Plan?

a. Pray
b. Be determined.
c. Be persistent.
d. Set a goal (I suggest setting a big goal. How much do you really want to lose?)
Once you have this, Pray to HIM, and tell him why you want to do this.  Ask HIM to help you to have the determination to make it, and to be persistent.  Ask HIM for guidance. If you serious about it, God will be serious with you.

Note: I walk 8 miles per day (4 miles in the morning before I go to work, and 4 miles after work.  Both session = 2hrs.)