A key component for success in The Daniel Plan is to love yourself enough to stick with it. So how does that square, you ask, with the biblical teaching to love others and put them first?
“The whole command of God can be summed up in one command: ‘Love others as you love yourself,'” tweeted David Chrzan, Saddleback Church communications navigator. “I believe it’s the balancer or antidote to sin. Sin and pride are all about ‘self’ …. love isn’t. God’s love (not man’s love) brings balance to an otherwise dismal future of loneliness, pride, ego, and selfish desires.”
No one wants a dismal future, of course, either for themselves or for others. And that’s where loving yourself enough to stay on The Daniel Plan comes in. The most loving thing you can do for others, says Dr. Daniel Amen, is to safeguard your own health. And that begins with making informed choices.