They delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. —Psalm 1:2 NLT

The psalmist speaks of the person who is blessed, fortunate, and happy. He meditates on God’s Word day and night. To meditate is to think deeply about something, to go over and over it so that it sinks into the heart and influences the way we think, feel, and act.

Repetition helps us create habits and can transform us. Just as repeatedly eating the right foods or consistently exercising changes our bodies over time, so repeating a passage of Scripture and consistently thinking about it will gradually change the way we think. And changing the way we think will change the way we live.

Choose a verse that ministers to your soul, perhaps a promise you want to trust in. Turn it over and over in your mind. What are the implications if it is? Let it sink into your heart.

Food for Thought: If you can make space to meditate daily on a short portion of God’s Word, you will change your mindset and your heart over time.