Jesus [said], “… I came so that they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.” —John 10:10 MSG

Jesus wants you to experience the fullness of life. Your relationship with him enables you to pack meaning and purpose into each and every moment. Jesus says this abundant life in him will be better than all your dreams rolled into one.

In this godly life, every part of you is interconnected: your spiritual health is connected to your physical health, and they are both connected to your mental and emotional health. A problem in one area will affect all the others. A new pattern in one area will spread renewal to the other areas.

If you bring all of yourself to God, he will help you change patterns that you may have been stuck in—patterns with food, fitness, or negative thinking, to name a few. Real life in Christ means having the power of his Spirit actively working in you, building full, real life in him.

Food for Thought: God wants to fill every part of you with real life: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wholeness.