Belly fat plagues everyone because that’s where our body stores excess fat (among other areas). So The Daniel Plan invested this week to learn about belly fat and how to lose it in a healthy–and quick–way.

Watch Dr. Oz’s Five Minutes to a Flat Belly, and Tom Wilson demonstrates how to burn fat fast with exercises that combine two movements to create strength and areobic benefits. Then, spend a few minutes with Dr. Daniel Amen who shares how to eat with a purpose. And see how Chef Jenny Ross prepares her Lemon Pesto Pasta, a tasty side or main dish that is full of healthy qualities.

Read Dr. Mark Hyman’s 7 Simple Ways to Lose Weight, and the science behind How to Lose your VAT Belly. And, Dr. Amen shares the No. 1 Way to Lose Your Belly is Boost Your Brain. We’ve also included results from a study that interviews people who have lost weight and kept it off, revealing the common success traits–definitely worth reading the National Weight Control Registry.

Obviously nutrition plays a key role, so we’ve included a story about one food to add, and one to omit from your daily foods: Grapefruit and white potatoes.

Get in the Game!
The Daniel Plan presents the Summer Fitness Challenge, running through July and August. Pick a challenge, set a goal, let us know and be entered into an opportunity to win a prize. We’ve also arranged for several experts to help you FREE.

Eating Well on a Budget!
Plan now to attend the next Healthy Living Workshop for Women this Thursday 9:30am at The Refinery! Get cost-effective strategies to eating well, including a cooking demonstration. Learn tricks to saving money from expert nutritionists Tina Pretsch and Liliana Partida and author Kim Moeller, a mother of four!

Tribal Knowledge: A Men’s Health Forum
Get straight talk, answers to man-size questions and the latest breakthrough studies on men’s health Thursday, July 28, 6:30-7:45am at the Worship Center. Featuring Dr. Daniel Amen and Pastor Gerald Sharon’s powerful story, plan on attending and bring a friend!