What happens when you start something on your own, then search and pray for a supportive community, and end up leading others on the same journey? You find something extraordinary and you experience transformation.

Finding Freedom
In the spring of 2013 I started The Daniel Plan using the help and resources that were available on the website. I did it by myself until August 2013 and then volunteered to lead a Daniel Plan group as one of our weekly women’s bible studies at church. To tell you the truth, it was not a super successful group. But it wasn’t all a loss. Out of that group, I did find a couple of other women to take this journey with me! In January of 2014, I continued my Daniel Plan small group journey with a much smaller group. These women have been such source of encouragement to me and I found that leading a study is a great foundation for accountability.

Greatest Gain
Freedom. I feel like my biggest gain from this experience has been freedom—freedom from dieting and freedom from junk food. Don’t get me wrong. I still enjoy food but in a very different way. I love to cook and try new healthy recipes. The food actually tastes better than the junk I was eating before.

Overcoming Obstacles
My biggest challenge has been trying to eat healthy with my family. My husband is not interested in changing his eating habits. He exercises and keeps a healthy weight. So, it has been a struggle for me to cook healthy and make healthy choices when we eat out with two kids and a husband that who aren’t ready to make the same changes that I have made. But, God made it clear to me that I needed to make changes and He has given me the strength to do it!

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