In order to thrive and achieve success living The Daniel Plan lifestyle, you must develop the habit of setting goals. It is one of the first steps as you begin to change your eating habits, exercise habits, and thought habits. Don’t just think about your goals, write them down. Make your goals SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound. Seeing your goals written down can be a powerful motivational tool.
However, even with the best-laid plans—the best written out goals you could think of—we still need God’s help. We can’t achieve our goals with our power alone. It’s just not possible. Thankfully, God didn’t design us to do it on our own. Look at what the Bible says in Ephesians chapter three.
God can do anything, you know – far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! (Ephesians 3:20 MSG)
Often, we can imagine some pretty crazy things. So to think that God can do far more than what we can imagine is truly amazing, and exciting, and a gift!
God backs up this theory by giving us true stories in his Word about how he did God-sized things through ordinary people.
- Joseph: A dreamer that was sold into slavery who was put in charge of all of Egypt. (Genesis 41)
- Moses: A man slow of speech and tongue who was used to stand up against one of the most powerful rulers of his day. (Exodus 4)
- Saul: A persecutor of Christians who became one of the greatest missionaries of all time. God even changed his name!
- Mary: A young girl from a town called Nazareth who gave birth to the savior of the world. (Luke 1)
The Bible is filled with stories like these—stories of ordinary people, just like you who end up being used by God in extraordinary stories of life change. Nothing is impossible with God!
Do you know what this means? This means you can dream God-sized dreams. You can set God-sized goals. You can do this only because God can do anything, and only because we can call on His power when ours begins to fail.
Think of all of the times you made a commitment to stick to a new diet or were excited about New Year’s resolutions—only to never see them realized. Those are the times when God’s power and help can make your goals reality.
God is in the business of changing lives. He can take ordinary people and do extraordinary things. By trusting in God’s power to help you change and not in your willpower alone, great things can happen. So start dreaming big and setting God-sized goals. God can make changes in your life that you never imagined possible.