If you fail to plan, you plan to fail! This is never more true than during the holiday season! Here are a few ideas to help you stay ahead of the game and plan wisely.

Spice it Up! Use spices and herbs to flavor foods instead of heavy sauces. Many herbs and spices have been shown to have amazing health benefits, and they taste great!



  • saffron: improves memory and helps to support positive mood.
  • curry: is a potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory agent and helps to decrease the plaques thought to be responsible for Alzheimer’s disease.
  • oregano: potent antioxidant and may help with PMS and insomnia.
  • basil: potent antioxidant, improves blood flow to the brain and may help memory.
  • cinnamon: improves working memory and ability to pay attention
  • garlic: improves blood flow to the brain, increases immunity
  • ginger: potent anti-aging properties, anti-inflammatory
  • thyme: Increases DHA (an important fat) in the brain
  • sage: improves memory and overall mental functioning
  • rosemary: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory


Minimize alcohol consumption. Alcohol not only contains a lot of calories (in the form of sugar), but it decreases your judgment and impulse control. Next thing you know, you’ll be flirting with that second piece of pie… And regretting it in the morning.

Swap This for That Human beings are not designed to seek pain and deprivation. If you make this journey one of deprivation, you will guarantee failure. Being healthy and taking care of the body gave you is an honor. With a little creativity, you will find this is about abundance. Here are a few suggestions for some healthy alternatives:

  • Green tea with a few drops of Stevia instead of coffee.
  • Sugar free, steamed almond milk with a bag of “Green Chai Tea” and a few drops of cinnamon flavored Stevia. This is guilt free “Tea Latte. ”
  • “Light Coconut Milk” in your tea or coffee instead of half and half or soy creamer.
  • Drink sparkling water sweetened with root beer flavored Stevia instead of diet soda.
  • Try sparkling water with a squeeze of lemon or lime and a few drops of lemon flavored Stevia in place of wine. This is a great drink for parties when you want a “drink” to be social but you don’t want to consume alcohol.
  • Try almond milk instead of dairy milk and soy milk.
  • Replace ice cream with “Avocado Gelato. ” Recipe online.
  • Eat ½ apple with almond butter instead of cookies and candy.
  • Eat ¼ cup raw, unsalted nuts and 1 piece of 70% low-sugar dark chocolate instead of muffins, cookies and candy.
  • Try salsa or sugar free catsup instead of the catsups and barbeque sauces that are filled with sugar. You also can look online for great sugar free catsup recipes.
  • Use Vegannaise, guacamole or hummus instead of mayonnaise.


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