Michael’s first exposure to The Daniel Plan was in 2011 when unhealthy habits, depression, and anxiety were taking a toll on his family.  His story is one of hope, willpower, and what happens when you surrender it all to God’s transforming power.

Hope in Sight

When I first came across The Daniel Plan through Saddleback Church’s internet campus, I was immediately interested. My wife, Rebecca, was suffering from depression and anxiety. For us, the launch of The Daniel Plan came at just the right time. After watching the videos from The Daniel Plan Rally, we both felt a huge sense of hope. I learned so much. When I saw the before and after brain scan images from Dr. Amen, that was it.

I was ALL IN.

Or at least I thought I was. I made some initial lifestyle changes and began to lose some body fat. But, looking back, I can honestly say I wasn’t really “all in.” Pieces were missing. I wasn’t in a small group, I wasn’t relying completely on God, and much of what I was doing was fueled by willpower.

When Willpower Isn’t Enough

Willpower could get me to the gym everyday. Willpower could keep me from making unhealthy food choices. But, willpower could not lead me to a restful place in my marriage or even in my own body and mind. I thought I was doing everything I could to lead my family to a healthy place, but my striving left me feeling burnt out, angry, alone and scared. A little over 12 months after experiencing the rush of hope from The Daniel Plan Rally, I found myself in a desperate situation. My wife had a severe reaction to a doctor-prescribed anti-depressant and I realized that I could not do this alone.

I needed God’s help.

God brought to my attention the importance of having a quiet time and giving Him the best part of my day. I decided to make it a habit to begin each day with prayer and a time of quietness with God. Through this habit I have sensed God’s hand at work in my life.

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