Take the first step. Start with walking! Why? It’s easy, it works and it pays!

And visit StartWalkingNow.org to find tools and resources to get you on the right path to a healthier lifestyle.



It’s Easy

  • Walking is the simplest way to start and continue a fitness journey.
  • Walking costs nothing to get started.
  • Walking has the lowest dropout rate of any type of exercise.
  • Walking is easy and safe.

It Works

  • Studies show that for every hour of walking, life expectancy may increase by two hours.
  • Walking for as few as 30 minutes a day provides heart health benefits.
  • Walking is the single most effective form of exercise to achieve heart health.


It Pays

  • Physically active people save $500 a year in healthcare costs.
  • Employers can save $16 for every $1 they spend on health and wellness.
  • Fitness programs have reduced employer healthcare costs by 20 – 55%.
  • Reducing just one health risk in the workplace increases productivity by 9%.
  • Reducing one health risk decreases absenteeism by 2%.


And walking isn’t your only option. Try these tips for increasing physical activity wherever you are. You may be surprised at all your opportunities to increase your physical activity every day. Consider carrying this list with you for one day. Check off the ways you notice that you could increase your physical activity.

Tips for Increasing Physical Activity