• Courageous Change

    We all go through several stages when we change. stage one is not thinking about changing. not thinking about it at all. we can get locked into denial, rationalizing our behavior because we want to stay there. We can all relate to this at some point on our journey. Stage two is thinking about changing. we read ...

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  • 15 Signs It’s Time For A Detox

    The concept of detoxing is certainly not a new one. If you immerse yourself in the wellness world, even just a little bit, you quickly become aware of the hundreds of different ways to cleanse your body. From juice cleanses to Whole30 to sipping bone broth—there’s a detox out there that will tickle your fancy. With our world ...

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  • The Ultimate Detoxification Foods

    If you’re one of the millions of Americans suffering from obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure or even just plain feeling crummy as a result of the Standard American Diet (SAD), you’ll want to seriously consider detoxifying. Unfortunately, feeling lousy has become the “new normal” for many people. We dismiss things like carrying around extra weight, ...

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  • Integrative Neurologist’s Best Brain Fog Advice

    Source: MindBodyGreen This month we attended the Integrative Healthcare Symposium annual conference, an event where leaders in holistic health talk about the most interesting developments in health care, hundreds of brands promote their products and initiatives, and researchers present their hard-earned findings. After his talk about Leveraging Lifestyle for Brain Health, we sat down with Dr. David Perlmutter, an integrative ...

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  • Relying on His Faithfulness

    Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness. —Psalm 86:11 It’s hard sometimes to find rest for our souls. We may hit a season with tremendous challenges in it, and our hearts are naturally troubled. Yet God promises us a peace beyond our circumstances. In Psalm 145 the psalmist says, “The ...

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  • What is Autoimmune Disease?

    Inflammation is a “hot” topic in medicine. It appears connected to almost every known chronic disease: from heart disease to cancer, diabetes to obesity, autism to dementia and even depression. Other inflammatory diseases, such as allergies, asthma, arthritis and autoimmune disease, are increasing at dramatic rates. As physicians, we are trained to shut off inflammation ...

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  • Natural Ways to Prevent and Reverse Autoimmune Illness

    Source:  Food Matters You have countless immune cells in every corner of your body that are constantly working to keep you healthy by identifying, packaging, and eliminating harmful substances that have made their way into your blood. If your immune system falters and begins to identify some of your own tissues as being harmful or unnecessary, ...

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  • Why Healthy Living Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated (Or Expensive)

    Earlier this week, I (finally) went to see a new doctor. I needed to get my annual physical, which I hadn’t done since moving to a new city a little over a year ago. Not that I hadn’t been taking care of myself lately. In fact, I’ve probably focused on my health and well-being more ...

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  • The Lord’s Battle

    “It is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.” —1 Samuel 17:47 Teenage David overcame gigantic Goliath with a slingshot and a few stones. But before he overcame Goliath, he overcame an even bigger enemy: discouragement. First ...

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  • 7 Things That Happen to Your Body Just 20 Minutes After You Start Eating Healthy

    Source:  MindBodyGreen We’re constantly preaching the benefits of healthy eating, but have you ever thought about why we do it, beyond a general, vague idea that it’s better for us? Do we know how long it takes for our bodies to benefit from an increase in nutrients and a decrease in inflammatory foods? According to our experts, it ...

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