“For I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.”
~ Philippians 4:13

What would happen in your life if you truly believed you could become healthier now than you were ten years ago? Here’s the thing: it’s possible if you do it God’s way with God’s power, and God’s people. Your willpower will only get you so far. It may work short term but we all know willpower tends to breakdown in the long run.

God is the power and the energy behind all transformational change and that includes making the lifestyle choices necessary for you to become healthy. The Bible says, “For I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13) As you follow The Daniel Plan, you will discover that you have a part to play in getting healthier, but God will amplify your efforts.

Your power to succeed rests in Him and His Word. He will not only show us the way, He will also give us the motivation and the power to succeed as we look to Him and His Word.

Getting healthy is a process.  It is important that you nourish your soul as well as your body. God’s love for you will carry you through but your understanding of the depth and breadth of his love for you is a critical step toward deepening your faith.

You are more likely to succeed with The Daniel Plan by focusing on your relationship with Christ. It is in the intimacy of his embrace that you can find the strength to make the changes you will need to make.

God desires our faith to saturate our lives in the way the Apostle Paul describes in Romans 12:1.“So here is what I want you to do. God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life – your sleeping, eating, going-to-work and walking-around life- and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him.” (The Message)


Father, I want to do what you want me to do. I want to make my life an offering to you, and I know that includes becoming healthy. But I cannot do this on my own. I’ve tried and I’ve failed and I’m nervous that I will fail again. I’m willing to do my part Lord and I’m going to faithfully trust that you are working to help me succeed. In fact, you want me to succeed more than I do. Help me see your hand in this quickly and keep me encouraged as I work toward better health.