Renewing Your Mind (from The Daniel Plan – 40 Days to a Healthier Life) Philippians 4:8 is one of the most powerful, emotionally healing verses in the Bible. One of the cornerstones to success on The Daniel Plan is to reign over your moment-by-moment thoughts, so that with God’s help you can stay in control ...
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By Experience Life Staff Physical activity can convert some of our bodies’ bad “white” fat into good, calorie-burning “brown” fat. It’s well established that exercise improves the metabolic proficiency of muscles. Now groundbreaking new research reveals that physical activity can also convert some of our bodies’ bad “white” fat into good, calorie-burning “brown” fat. “White fat, ...
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By Rick Warren “My friend, I ask, ‘Who do you think you are to question God? Does the clay have the right to ask the potter why he shaped it the way he did?’” (Romans 9:20 CEV) Spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality, experiences — these are the five things that make you, you. I call them your SHAPE. Accepting ...
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BAHRAM AKRADI Contributor to ExperienceLife Commit to doing one or more feel-good athletic events annually, and prepare to see your life change for the better. I turned 51 this year. Not long after my birthday, I achieved a new personal record at the Leadville Trail 100 Mountain Bike Race. I also cut a full 14 minutes ...
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Susan Gurev, one of The Daniel Plan’s “biggest losers,” shares where she’s been, what she’s learned and her results from adopting a healthy lifestyle. Before The Daniel Plan For years I have struggled with my weight and losing the battle. I would diet and lose weight, but always ended up gaining back what I’d lost ...
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Experience Life Team There are plenty of fine reasons to volunteer. Do it for charity, for community – or just for the health of it! “How can I help?” It’s a simple and surprisingly powerful question. Ask it, and you could change someone’s life. And in the process, you could wind up transforming your own. ...
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If you want to get healthy, you just might not want to go to a doctor. You might instead, go to church. The power of community to create health is far greater than any physician, clinic or hospital. You are more likely to be overweight if your friend’s, friend’s friend is overweight than if your ...
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Anna Davies, Contributor to Experience Life Magazine Silent night? Yeah right. With parties to attend, family members to shop for, and endless to-do lists that never seem to get done, it’s all too easy to feel more frazzled than festive. Stressing out over the same things each year is basically a holiday tradition. This year, stop ...
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Rick Warren “We will never turn our back on you; breathe life into our lungs so we can shout your name!” (Psalm 80:18 MSG) Psalm 80:18 says, “We will never turn our back on you; breathe life into our lungs so we can shout your name!” (MSG) Breathing is one of the few functions of your body that ...
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By Sean Foy, MA Daniel Plan Health and Fitness Coach Daniel Strong Total Body3 Workout Level 3 For those of you who are following along in The Daniel Plan book, and have already worked through Level 1 and Level 2 of The Daniel Strong Program, now you are ready to graduate to Level 3. If you ...
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