If you want to get healthy, you just might not want to go to a doctor. You might instead, go to church. The power of community to create health is far greater than any physician, clinic or hospital. You are more likely to be overweight if your friend’s, friend’s friend is overweight than if your ...
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By Daniel G. Amen, MD The difference between living independently and needing specialized care as you age can depend, in large part, on your muscle mass and strength. Doing some strength training regularly is a wise investment in your future freedom, yet only about 10 to 15 percent of those over 50 are “pumping iron.” People ...
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Grab a chair and work on your core in the comfort of your home with this workout from Sadie Lincoln, founder of barre3 Fitness Studios. Combine ease and effort to shape your entire body using little movements – sometimes even standing still! Try a FREE 15-day trial subscription to barre3 Online Workouts with the promo ...
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Fitness Coach Tom Wilson gives a 3 1/2 minute video segment connecting food, exercise and stress to your digestion. Why were we told to wait an hour after eating before going swimming? Tom answers this so we can get the most from our nutrition and exercise. View more videos from Tom Wilson here.
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doctoroz.com Bob Harper has a supercharged plan to help you lose 20 pounds in just 3 weeks! Do these Jumpstart Moves for just 15 minutes five times a week and kick off your weight loss! Read about Bob’s 3-Week Jumpstart to Skinny plan. Get Bob Harper’s Jumpstart to Skinny recipes.
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By GRETCHEN REYNOLDS May 9, 2013 This column appears in the May 12 issue of The New York Times Magazine. Exercise science is a fine and intellectually fascinating thing. But sometimes you just want someone to lay out guidelines for how to put the newest fitness research into practice. An article in the May-June issue of the American ...
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Get washboard abs in no time and feel confident in your bathing suit. Celebrity personal trainer, Joel Harper, developed a five minute fitness series just for you. Click here to see more from the Fit in Five workout series.
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If you have watched our show a few times you will undoubtedly have heard Dr. Oz talk about his Green Drink. He spent many hours changing and perfecting it and is rightfully very proud of the result. However, I feel like we are shortchanging my favorite color, red. Red fruits and vegetables are just as loaded with ...
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Chef Jenny Ross, and owner of 118 Degrees restaurant gives insightful tips on ingredients and methods to preparing a healthy super-green smoothie. Watch this and try it at home!
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BY EMILY MAIN rodale.com A new study reveals that regular exercise improves your heart’s ability to beat. RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—We all know that exercise is good for the heart, but scientists have never fully understood exactly why. One theory, tested in a new study published in the American Journal of Public Health, is that exercise ...
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